Sunday, 9 June 2013
hello blog been a long time!
thought i'd share some of my pics at the zoo seems legit but it was not as bad as i thought it wud. lotsa great views and animals ofc yeah but we missed the big cats :( where have they all gone?
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Jogjakarta 070213 - 100213
what would i say about this city hm.. as a matter of fact i've already gotten my backpack there for about 4 times as my holiday destination (not include the family trip when i was little which i dont remember how many times i've been there as a cute toddler of course). idk why but i always feel like this city calls out my name whenever the holiday came. and i'm sure that it's not just me who feel this way since this city is one of the most wanted destination in all of this country. my last visit was a week ago been there for 3 night and 4 days based on the rule of Student Budget 101 lol and i finally had a chance to snapped several views of the city. now, by borrowing my boyfie's camera uhuk i know how it seems like oh well :v but i'm such a beginner in this field so haha ok.. by borrowing this camera i'd like to show my finest (according to my own opinion) shots i've taken in the city of traditional hospitality.
those pictures i took when we was heading to Alun-alun Kidul by foot (it's about 30 minutes away haha but it was a really fun walking hour) and the one in the first picture, i'm not sure what the building was i'm afraid ._. but i gotta tell you something, that was not the only building who looked so stunning in its old architecture style. there are plenty of em which gives you such a-traditional-and-old-atmosphere-joy to watch in your evening walk. then there were also a lot of pavements along the sidewalk, selling traditional accessories and others.
the pictures above is the street musicians of the Malioboro, then the other one is the famous Kopi Jos of Jogjakartaah.. the thing about this coffee is the black charcoal inside it. idk how to describe the taste in detail but certainly it tastes different, more tasteful, BETTER than the ordinary ones!
the next day we went to this culture and art heritage museum called Ullen Sentalu. i've been craving for this place since ever for my mom told me that this is the first place you've ever wanted to be, when you take a vacation to Jogja. and wow i couldnt find the right words to describe the beauty of it. it may be far from the central of the city but it definitly a place worth to be visited. one important thing, we cant take pictures inside for guarding the sancity of the original historical items in the museum.
what would i say about this city hm.. as a matter of fact i've already gotten my backpack there for about 4 times as my holiday destination (not include the family trip when i was little which i dont remember how many times i've been there as a cute toddler of course). idk why but i always feel like this city calls out my name whenever the holiday came. and i'm sure that it's not just me who feel this way since this city is one of the most wanted destination in all of this country. my last visit was a week ago been there for 3 night and 4 days based on the rule of Student Budget 101 lol and i finally had a chance to snapped several views of the city. now, by borrowing my boyfie's camera uhuk i know how it seems like oh well :v but i'm such a beginner in this field so haha ok.. by borrowing this camera i'd like to show my finest (according to my own opinion) shots i've taken in the city of traditional hospitality.
Alun-alun Kidul: Beringin Kembar
Becak Menyala Alun-alun Kidul
so those were the famous Beringin Kembar of Alun-alun Kidul, where there's a superstition belief, if we could pass the middle path between those giant trees blindfolded straight and smoothly, it means that we have such a white heart within hoho fyi i made it :3 (after 3 times trial lol) but honestly i'm not the superstition kind of person so yeah just gave it a try. the second picture is the fun pedicap for the entertainment around Alun-alun, so cool hah.
Street Musicians and Kopi Jos of Malioboro
Ullen Sentalu: Museum Seni dan Budaya Jawa
the next day we went to this culture and art heritage museum called Ullen Sentalu. i've been craving for this place since ever for my mom told me that this is the first place you've ever wanted to be, when you take a vacation to Jogja. and wow i couldnt find the right words to describe the beauty of it. it may be far from the central of the city but it definitly a place worth to be visited. one important thing, we cant take pictures inside for guarding the sancity of the original historical items in the museum.
Monumen Jogja Kembali
Taman Lampion
few hours later then after we took our break from Ullen Sentalu going home trip (which approximately took an hour to our place), we went to this place, called Monumen Jogja Kembali. this monument was actually closed in the evening but what around the building was the one that open. it's called Taman Lampion, where the lanterns shine all over and those were damn gorgeous! there were also several modes of amusement in the park to ride on.
Benteng Vredeburgh
then the next day in the afternoon, we went to, probably the most well known destination in the city: Benteng Vredeburgh and Keraton. Vredeburgh is a fortress which was built for the hard times of war, while Keraton is basically where the royal family of Jogjakkarta stays also having their custom and cultural events celebrated. so as you imagine, such wonderful traditional and historical landscapes that we had a pleasure of watching.
so that was my vacation. how's yours? :)
holiday destination,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Monday, 11 February 2013
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
“Drawing is rather like playing chess: your mind races ahead of the moves that you eventually make.”David Hockney
Gambling with Words #3
aku dan mimpi
ak terbangun di tengah keringat yg terus berlanjut mengucur. di atas sebuah tempat tidur dan ak memegang dada dimana kukira detak jantungku akan terasa bergoncang hebat, tapi ak terus mencari detak dan tak menemukannya. ak di kamar apartemenku. ak satu dari mereka yg terbangun dari mimpi.
listrik mati dan semesta menghitam. keadaan gelap ini sama sekali tak asing. ak mencoba berdiri dari tempat tidurku yg berukuran king size dan melanjutkan perjalananku. yg gelap dan sunyi. dan bunyi tetesan keringatku seakan menuntunku utk mengikuti ketukannya, berjalan ke arah dimana kepastian berada. ak tau ak hanya satu dari mereka yg bermimpi, tapi, ak tak ingin terbangun. tidak selama ak bisa mendengar lebih jelas disini, di mimpi yg sunyi, ak mendengar suara tangis.
tanganku menyentuh dahi, ak terbangun lagi. mimpi yg tak terasa asing. malam tak berjalan dan waktu tak berombak. ak menyentuh selimutku dan merasakan basah. basah, seluruh tempat tidur, seluruh selimutku, basah. gelap dan ak sendiri. ak satu dari mereka yg terbangun dari mimpi dan sendiri.
ak mengenali listrik yg mati dan semesta yg menghitam ini. ak mulai sesak nafas. langkahku yg tadi tertahan sekarang kucepatkan temponya. suara tangis yg masih terngiang. suara tangis yg berasal dari seorang gadis, ak yakin tak lebih tua ataupun muda dariku. seorang gadis dari dimensi mimpiku, menangis terlalu sendu, namun bukan pedih. ak berlari ke sebuah kamar besar dan mewah, dimana tangisan itu terus terdengar.
tak pernah kudengar tangis sebahagia ini.
selimutku yg basah ak genggam erat. seerat ingatanku akan tangisan gadis itu. nafasku tersengal dan tak beraturan. keringatku mulai benar2 tak bisa kukendalikan. ak merasa dingin. sangat dingin dan mendapati AC-ku masih dalam keadaan mati. sangat dingin dan melihat ak masih sendiri di atas tempat tidur ini. ak satu dari mereka yg terbangun dari mimpi dan sendiri dan merasakan dingin yg sangat menusuk.
listrik tetap mati dan ak tetap berlari, mencari kamar, mencari seorang gadis menangis. ak tak ingin berhenti. ak ingin berlari. ke tangisan seorang gadis yg tak lebih tua ataupun muda dariku. tangisan itu terdengar, terdengar, tangisan lolongan yg sendu namun penuh pengharapan. pengharapan akan suatu dunia baru dimana ia bisa merasa menjadi manusia. ak satu dari mereka yg mengerti tentang sebuah pengharapan, sebuah jendela, dan seorang gadis. dia berdiri tepat di hadapan sebuah jendela berukuran besar.
nafasku tersengal, mataku mulai nanar. angin mulai sangat menyukai permukaan tubuh dan wajahku yg penuh dengan aliran air. aliran air yg berasal dari hulu sebuah akar mimpi. ak terbangun dari sebuah mimpi tentang tangisan pengharapan, seorang gadis, dan sebuah jendela berukuran besar. ak tetap sendiri dan ak tetap bermimpi.
ak tak akan berhenti. tidak sebelum ak bisa mendengarkan cerita dari sedu sedan tangisan itu. sekali lagi. gadis itu, menungguku, di suatu kamar, di hadapan sebuah jendela berukuran besar. ak tahu disaat ak menemukannya ak akan tetap terdiam menatapnya, mendengarkan cerita hidupnya yg terdengar dari nada2 naik turun tangisnya yg penuh dengan pengharapan akan sebuah dunia baru, yg sarat akan sebuah perpisahan. ak tahu disaat menemukannya ak akan mengerti. dia tetap berdiri tegap di hadapan sebuah jendela berukuran besar. dia menoleh ke arahku. sejenak dan tersenyum. terlalu angkuh untuk mengatakan bahwa dia kesepian.
paru2ku semakin terhimpit oleh udara dingin yg semakin menyebar ke saluran dalam urat nadiku. ak tak lagi bisa merasakan apapun selain dingin dan basah. ak dan fana membuatku mati rasa. semua ini membuatku mati rasa. air mata perlahan keluar dari kedua mataku. ak menangis dan berteriak tertahan. ak menangis bukan karena ak sedih. ak menangis karena ak tahu ini saatnya. saat yg tepat untuk terbangun di atas kasur yg basah. saat yg tepat untuk menjadi satu dari mereka yg terbangun tengah malam dan berharap untuk segera meninggalkan ketidakpastian menuju sebuah pengharapan. saat yg tepat untuk terbangun tengah malam dan mensyukuri sebuah kesendirian. saat yg tepat untuk ingin merasa kembali terlahir menjadi manusia, yg bisa lagi merasa. tanpa lembaran uang yg tak bisa membeli seorang pembunuh sepi. ak terus menangis dan menangis. ak bahagia di dalam kesedihan tak bernalar. ak tertawa terbahak di dalam penghujung akhir sebuah perjalanan penuh penghianatan. ak menangis bahagia,
sungguh bahagia.
ini waktunya untuk bermimpi.ak mencoba berdiri dari tempat tidurku yg berukuran king size dan melanjutkan perjalananku. yg gelap dan sunyi. dan bunyi tetesan keringatku seakan menuntunku utk mengikuti ketukannya, berjalan ke arah dimana kepastian berada. angin dingin menyeruak ke arahku ketika ak membuka jendela berukuran besar di ruang apartemenku yg berada di lantai 15. dingin yg selama ini kunanti. ak masih terus menangis dan bercerita lewat naik turun nada tangis yg ak lantunkan. cerita tentang dunia yg sangat ingin ak tinggalkan, dunia yg membuatku mati rasa, dunia penuh rumus rupiah dan tempat tidur tak ber-pria. tempatku adalah di sebuah mimpi. ak berdiri dihadapan jendela berukuran besar dan menoleh ke belakang. ak melihat diriku sendiri. berdiri dan mengerti. mengerti walaupun ak terlalu angkuh untuk berkata ak kesepian.
ak siap untuk melompat keluar dan bermimpi.
ak satu dari mereka yg bermimpi dan tak pernah kembali.
Surabaya, 30 Januari 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Just An Amateur Artwork #15
Jonas Bjerre,
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
CREATIVITY is allowing yourself to make mistakes.- Scott Adams
ART is knowing which ones to keep.
Monday, 21 January 2013
I'm Here (short film by Spike Jonze)
always be a huge fan of this :)
Just An Amateur Artwork #14
Sunday, 20 January 2013
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